Dry Eye in the Winter: Causes and Treatment

Winter is about windy and cold weather. Like the other parts of your body or skin, your eyes can dry up during this season. Your eyes may get drier during this period more than any other. A dry eye is a medical condition where your eyes do not produce adequate tears. As a result, your eyes do not get enough lubrication. A decrease in temperature can result in dry eyes.



The winter season entails indoor heaters, cold temperatures, winds, and low humidity. All these can strip your eyes of moisture and dry them. The wind outside can lead to dry eyes if one does not protect them. Also, heating your living space due to the cold outside can cause your eyes to dry up because of the heat.


Symptoms of Dry Eye

You may have a dry eye problem if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Blurred vision.
  • Pain when wearing contact lenses.
  • Red eyes.
  • Stinging or burning eyes.
  • Feel like you have something in your eye.
  • Mucus strings in your eyes.



Treating dry eyes in winter is essential to enjoy the rest of the season with comfort and ease. There are several treatments you can use to correct the problem, as follows:

  • Artificial tears - Dry eyes hinder your eyes from producing tears. As a result, they inhibit the required lubrication your eyes need. Using over-the-counter drugstore artificial tears can restore the natural moisture in your eyes.
  • Humidifiers - The use of heaters inside your home during the winter season is one of the key contributors to dry eyes. Using humidifiers can help restore moisture into the atmosphere of your home. Doing so is helpful as it ensures you do not freeze to avoid getting dry eyes.
  • Warm compresses - Dry eyes can cause your eyes to get red and irritated. Warm compresses can reduce these symptoms and any discomfort that comes with them. One does warm compresses by putting a warm washcloth over your eyes. Doing so for a couple of minutes helps rest and soothe your dry eyes.
  • Eye ointments – It is possible to treat dry eyes during winter using eye ointments. You can get an over-the-counter one to apply every night before you go to bed. Doing so will help you avoid blurring your vision because of the thickness of the ointment. Eye ointments are thicker than generic eye drops.



Winter can be enjoyable and comfortable if you find ways to ensure you prevent getting dry eyes. Reduce your usage of heaters inside your home to avoid drying out your eyes with the heat. Protect your eyes with wrap-around eyeglasses when you step outside. Doing so can help you shield your eyes from the wind. Also, consider taking supplements that can aid lessen dry eyes.


When to See a Doctor 

Dry eyes resulting from winter are not usually a cause for alarm. Symptoms can get worse when you go outdoors. Being in a room with a running heater can also worsen the condition. But if dry eye treatments and preventive measures do not improve your symptoms, it is ideal to see a doctor.

Your doctor can detect underlying conditions that cause your eyes to dry up. You can also get some prescription eye ointments or eye drops. Other recommendations by your doctor can also treat your dry eye better.

For more about dry eyes, visit Limestone Eye Care at our office in Lawrence, Kansas. You can call (785) 268-6880 today to schedule an appointment.

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