5 Tips to Protect Your Eyes From Digital Screen Fatigue

Digital eye fatigue is also known as computer vision syndrome (CVS). It is a condition that can result from using digital screens, such as those on computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, for an extended period. It is characterized by various symptoms that can affect the eyes, such as dryness, redness, fatigue, eyestrain, and headaches. The screen emits blue light, which can cause the pupils to constrict, leading to eyestrain and fatigue. In addition, the glare and flicker of the screen can contribute to eyestrain.



Rearrange Your Workspace



Position the screen at a distance that allows you to read the text comfortably without straining your eyes. It should also be at a height that will enable you to look straight ahead at the screen. It is also better for your posture rather than looking up or down. Also, a good ergonomic chair can help reduce neck and back strain, which can help reduce overall fatigue.



Get an Eye Exam



Getting an eye exam is a good way to help reduce digital eye fatigue. During an eye exam, an eye doctor or optometrist will check your vision and the health of your eyes.


If you wear glasses or contacts, an eye exam is a good opportunity to have your prescription updated. Wearing the correct prescription can help reduce eyestrain and fatigue when using a computer. An eye doctor may also recommend other measures to help reduce digital eye fatigue.



Use Correct Lighting



  • Proper lighting can help reduce digital eye fatigue when using a computer.
  • Avoid placing the computer screen directly in front of a window or other source of bright light. It can create glare and reflection on the screen, which can cause eyestrain.
  • Use indirect lighting to reduce glare and reflection. Soft, indirect lighting is best for computer use. Avoid using harsh, direct lighting, such as a desk lamp, as it can create glare and reflection on the screen. 
  • Make sure the room is well-lit. Poor lighting can contribute to eyestrain. 



Take a Break



Taking regular breaks is crucial in helping reduce digital eye fatigue when using a computer. You can follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. It helps give the eyes a chance to rest and refocus. 


Also, blinking helps moisten and lubricate the eyes. People tend to blink less when looking at a screen, so it is important to try to blink frequently and consciously.



Adjust Your Display Settings



  • Adjust the screen's brightness and contrast to reduce glare and reflection. 
  • Some screens have a blue light filter that can help reduce the amount of blue light emitted by the screen. Blue light can cause the pupils to constrict, leading to eyestrain and fatigue.
  • Make sure the text on the screen is large enough to read comfortably without straining your eyes. 
  • A high refresh rate can help reduce screen flicker, which can cause eyestrain.

For more tips to protect your eyes from digital screen fatigue, visit Limestone Eye Care at our office in Lawrence, Kansas. Call (785) 268-6880 to book an appointment today.

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